Monday, May 11, 2009

Try try and try......

Last few days have been real pain with project. I have been trying numbers of things, but still that's not enough! Research isn't an easy job, one needs lot of patience. And I think I am running out on my patience. Every night I sleep with a new idea, new thought only to find a new disappointment at the end of next day. It seems that right solution is around the corner just like a mirage, as I start pursuing it turns out to be mere illusion. I wish I don't run out of options before I run out of time. But like the golden edges to the dark clouds, like the pleasure in the pain every morning comes with a new hope of success...........

Talking about dark clouds it's been cloudy week in Delhi. It rained 3-4 times since last week, only to take down high averages maintain by temperature. It's not as hot as two weeks back. With couple of parties coming my way, I'm looking forward to enjoy my time in the coming week. Of course with all due respect to the project work.


Sam..... said...

dude u got to be more frequent here

Prabhat Gupta said...

gud luck dear... I know you are again going to make a paper out of it....

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